- Potential - PE = mgz (mass*gravitational acceleration*vertical distance)
- Kinetic - KE = .5mV^2 (.5*mass*velocity squared)
- Thermal
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Magnetic
- Chemical
- Nuclear
Total Energy equals the sum of internal energy + potential energy + kinetic energy.
E = U + PE + KE
Energy flow rate (time rate of energy) is equal to the mass flow rate multiplied by the mechanical energy per unit mass.
E(dot) = m(dot) * e
- m(dot) is the mass flow rate. m(dot) = (rho) * V(dot) where V(dot) is the volume flow rate
- e is the mechanical energy per unit mass. e = (P/rho) + (V^2 / 2) + (gz) where P is pressure, rho is density, V is velocity, g is gravitational acceleration, and z is vertical distance.
- Heat: temperature difference.
- Work: a force that acts on the system through a distance. Forms of work:
- Shaft Work = 2(pi)nT where n = revolutions, and T = torque
- Spring Work = .5k(x2^2 - x1^1) where k = spring constant, x is the final and initial displacements of the spring.
- Electrical Work = VIt where V = volts, I = current, and t = time.
Energy Balance (First Law of Thermodynamics): the net energy transfer to/from the system is equal to the change in energy for that system. Ein - Eout = Echange
Efficiency = output / input
- Lighting Efficiency is the amount of light output per watts of electricity used.
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